Thursday, March 7, 2013

Simple Goals

Poor abandoned blog.  I feel like chatting, so why not write something.

I've had trouble in the past getting too excited and making drastic changes to my fitness regimen.  So I took a different approach and made some very easy goals that don't require much time or effort.

Work out at least 3 times per week.

Simple enough, but what is a workout?  Well, let's have something measurable, and for fun add a reward.

I'll give myself $20 to do 5 sets of 10 push-ups.

Oh no, there is no time!  This must be a poor goal.  Well, I don't care.  I just want to have a direction, I don't care about speed right now.  I'm so bad about working out I don't have a good understanding of timing.  Also the goal is a bit out of my reach.  So I made an easier one.

$5 for 5 sets of 5.

Well within my reach.  Currently I can do 3 sets of 5.  Also I like to challenge myself.  So yesterday instead of burpees that I have been doing I tried diamond push-ups.  It was definitely challenging.  I have other goals.  Goals are fun, they keep me motivated.  An interesting goal I have is to do the splits next year.  This came up from talking to my sister about not having a pull up as a goal.  She never really had the desire or motivation, and she countered with splits.  Why isn't that a goal.  Some of my arguments were it is doable and something you have never done.  So there you go.  Now I'm stretching after my very short workout.

I guess to make this blog more fun I should add links or pics.  Tough.